Chapter 10

It was early sunday morning, about 6am. I had already been on the water for about a half an hour. I tried to get Anne to come surfing with me. Though she said she might come out, I haven't seen her yet. Or Bret. I told him I would be at the beach between 6 and 8, but I am sure, either way, it would be too early. He had only said he would try. Oh well, I thought, no worries. I needed to practice anyway, as I was thinking of entering an amature surfing contest later in the summer.
It was 8am when I finally left the water and with my board under my arm, I made my way across the sand towards my truck.  I was so wiped out. As I got closer to my truck I noticed someone standing next to it. My heart jumped. I closed my eyes for a sec. It was Bret. In my head I was telling myself 'be casual', but on the outside I was shaking. All I could do was stare. He was sssooo handsome. Double take handsome.
"Hi Bret," I said as I stepped up to the truck.
"Hello," he replied. Then said, "Here, let me help you with that," as I lifted my board to put it in the back of the truck.
"Thanks. I see you made it after all. I thought maybe it would be too early for you."
"It is. I haven't even had any coffee yet. And it looks like I am a bit overdressed," he said, looking at his clothes then looking at me.
"Ya, just a bit," I chuckled, looking him up and down thinking who cares. He was incredible in his tight jeans, tshirt, vest, and a banadana over the top of his head 'pirate style'. His long blonde hair waving in the breeze. As I was looking him over, I had been taking off my wet suit, revealing my bikini underneath. I stood back up from bending over to pick up the wet suit after I took out my feet and I noticed Bret's eyes on my chest, which was not bad, though not big. nipples were at attention. I wasn't sure if it was from the breeze against my damp suit or I was serioulsy turned on by him. I walked past him to the passenger side of my truck just to break contact, opened the door and took out a towel to wrap around my waist.
Bret walked up to me, leaned a hip against the truck and ran a hand from my shoulder to my elbow and said, "K, I think you are really pretty. I like this whole wet look thing." He tugged gently at my elbow pulling me a bit closer to him. "You have beautiful blue eyes. They are like a turquoise blue and yet at times they are a bright blue like the sky."
By this time I was in front of him looking up into HIS incredible blue eyes, gave him this doubtful look, made a kind of disbelieving noise and said, "ttssshh. I'm not that pretty. I am sure you've met prettier women." It was hard for me to take compliments, actually never really had one before - at least about whether or not I was pretty, just about things like my surfing or something. I was looking at my sand encrusted feet when Bret put a hand under my chin, lifted my face, leaned in and kissed me. I just melted. It was ....oh gawd...soft, warm, and sensual. I broke the kiss. I loved it but everything seemed to be going too fast. I didn't really know anything about him. At that moment both our stomachs growled. We both laughed.
"Bret. Follow me to my house. My mom always fixes a big breakfast on sundays. We'd be happy to have you and you can get some coffee." When he didn't answer right away I said, "We don't bite."
"No, but thankyou. I really need to get going," Bret said. He actually looked nervous all of a sudden, and then I remembered he said he didn't like crowds. Maybe he was uncomfortable in unknown situations.
"Oh, Ok. Well, maybe some other time," I said with a small smile. Inside I was really dissapointed, though trying to hide it. But something must have showed on my face....
"Hey now, come on, don't look like that," he said, rubbing his fingertips up and down my arm.
"Like what?" I said, my arms crossed by this time, trying to look innocent.
"You looked so dissapointed," Bret said softly.
"How could you tell? I was trying to hide it," I replied, looking away from him.
"Your eyes are very expressive and your smile looked forced, like you are not feeling it......Come here," Bret said as he moved his back side up against the side of my truck and pulled me up against him, with my feet between his feet. Hip to hip.  Well more like his belt buckle to my naked belly. He wrapped his arms around my waist (mine somehow ended up around his neck) and bent to kiss me again. It was I don't know, but my stomach felt funny. The juncture between my thighs started to feel swollen. The hair on the back of his neck was so soft. He kissed me, broke away, then swooped in again. He slowly made his way down my neck. His hands moved up my rib cage, with his thumbs just on the outskirts of my breasts. This kinda brought me back to reality. I pushed against his chest to give me some space from him, though his hands moved back to my hips so I couldn't move away completely. I looked at him, he looked at me.
I opened my mouth to say something, anything.....
"Hey," Bret jumped in softly, "It's ok. I do really have to go. BUT...I do want to see you again." He took my hand and led me over to his motorcycle. "Can I call you later?' He asked, kissing the palm of my hand.
"Yyyeeesss," I said, stealing one of his bandanas he had wrapped around his wrist, taking it and tying it around my head like he was wearing his.

He just smiled, put on his sunglasses and helmet and left. Left me standing there. Feeling bereft.
Meanwhile back at Karen and Andrea's house............
Andrea and her parents were in the kitchen cooking breakfast. It was usually a family affair except that Karen was out surfing.
"Andrea, honey, when is your sister supposed to be back," Mrs Olsen (their mom) asked, cracking an egg into the bowl.
"I don't know Mom. I didn't even know she left, but she usually gets back between eight and ten. She usually leaves the beach when it starts to get busy," Andrea replied as she flipped a pancake. Mr. Olsen was silently turning the bacon and sausage on an electric griddle, when there was a knock on the screen door........

Nikki had climbed the fence and was making his way towards Andrea's back door, when he smelled FOOD! He and the guys had been smoking pot last night and the smell of food reminded him how hungry he was. Maybe Andrea will invite him to eat he thought eagerly. His original plan was to see if Andrea would come over and help him with his bass playing. Nikki knocked on the screen door....
Mr. Olsen came to the door and said, "What can I do for you?" He had said that slowly and pointedly, as he looked Nikki up and down taking in his crazy, wild spikey black hair, black clothes, and chains.
"Um, yes sir, I was looking for Andrea. Is she here?" Nikki replied politely, not wanting to make a bad impression even though most people couldn't get past the clothes.
Mr. Olsen turned, "Andrea..someone at the door for you," saying politley, but thinking of Nikki as a 'something', raising his eyebrows in question.
"It's ok daddy," Andrea whsipered as she walked past her dad, patting him on the arm. Andrea opened the screen door and asked, "Nikki what are you doing here?"
"I came over to see if you would come help me practice," Nikki replied just as his stomach made an ungodly noise. He had the grace to look embarrassed.
Andrea smiled and said, "Sure I can help you, but come in and have something to eat. We always make more than we can eat."
Nikki smiled, looking just like any young man would, having been offered free food. "Thanks!" Andrea just shook her head in wonderment as he walked past her. "Nikki, these are my parents Mr and Mrs Olsen."
He shook hands with both parents saying, "Nice to meet you."
Mrs. Olsen said, "Nikki sit down, help yourself," as she placed platters of eggs, pancakes, and breakfast meats on the table, like she saw people like Nikki all the time. She was used to Andrea's friends looking unusal.
"Thanks Mrs. Olsen. The food smells great."
'You're welcome," my mom said. "So Nikki, where do you live?" She asked, in typical mom fashion.
"Right behind you," Nikki said between mouthfuls of food.
Mr. Olsen looked at his daughter with eyebrows raised, worried for her. Andrea looked at her dad and just shook her head slightly indicating to him not to worry. They would talk later. "Ya, mom. We met the other day. They have a band too. And Nikki plays bass just like me."
"That's nice. Maybe I should meet your mom sometime, welcome her to the neighborhood."
Andrea looked at Nikki. He looked to be almost done. Man he could eat. She would keep that in know...a way to a man's heart is through his stomach and all that. Maybe that will come in handy sometime.
"Nikki, you done?" Andrea asked.
"Ya, we can go," He said.
"Cool. Let me just get my bass." I went to my room to get it and then Nikki and I left.

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