Chapter 16

I was sitting on my bed, Sheila, Anne, Crystal and Pam were sleeping over. Adri, Holly and Andrea were over at Adri's. Anne was laying on her back, her head hanging over the edge, asked, "K, I saw you kissing Bret. SSsooo, what's up with you guys? He is really hot. Are you guys doing it?"
I was sitting cross-legged with my pillow in my lap. I ducked my head, hiding it in the pillow for a sec in embarrassment, blushing, "Nnnooo, we haven't. We've only gone out once, aside from today." I looked at Anne and asked, "What about you and James?"
She closed her eyes and smiled, saying, "That man can really, uummm, rise to the occasion, if you know what I mean. He is insatiable." Anne sighed and continued, "But they are leaving town on tour, so I am not sure if or when I will see him again."
I looked over at Pam as she was playing air drums. "Pam, what did you think of Tico? You guys talked a long time."
"I liked him a lot. he was very mature, not a hot head like Tommy or Lars. I would definately like to get to know him better," Pam said.
We continued to talk, snack and giggle.
Meanwhile at Adri's house................
The Girls were in Adri's room.......
Adri had put on a Bon Jovi cassette, to listen to it more closely. She pulled out the little jacket that came with it, and stared at the picture of the band. She sat down on her bed with her back against the wall. Holly jumped up to look too.
"Adri, that Richie guy seemed to really like you," Holly commented.
"He said it was love at first sight," She said, then looked at Holly and speculated, "though, I don't know about that. But, I couldn't help looking at him. It was weird. He was the only one I looked at. He was the only one that caught my eye. And my heart was beating wildly."
'The guy named Dave," Holly said, "was real nice and really funny. I liked him."
Adri looked over at Andrea who had been pacing and had stopped at the window to look outside. " "’Drea, you ok?"
"HHmm?" Andrea mumbled, sounding distracted, "Um, ya. I'm ok," looking back out the window.
"What did you think of Bon Jovi?" Holly asked.
"They were fine. It was great meeting them," trying to pay attention to her friends. What she really wanted was to go see Nikki. She looked at the clock on Adri's night stand. It was 11:30pm. It was late enough and dark enough she could go over there. Nikki mentioned leaving his window open, if she wanted to come over. That was an invitation if she ever heard one. But it was her decision to make. And she was making it now.
"Guys," Andrea said, as she climbed out Adri's window, "cover for me. I am going over to Nikki's."

"Andrea!" Adri and Holly exclaimed as 'Drea dissappeared out the window. They looked at each other and shook their heads. At least she would be close to home, they thought, since Nikki lived behind Andrea.
Andrea was right outside Nikki's window, her heart beating wildly. She loved Nikk. She couldn't deny it any longer. She wasn't sure if Nikki felt the same but he always treated her good, listened to what she had to say, and made her laugh.
I climbed through the window and stood there for a sec letting my eyes get used to the light. I didn't see Nikki at first, but then I heard some soft snoring. I smiled. I quietly walked over to the bed, carefully climbed up, crawling on hands and knees towards Nikki, trying not to wake him yet. He was lying on his back, on top of the covers. He must have fell asleep waiting for me. I stood there on all fours surveying my prey, thinking of the best way to wake him....crotch or lips. All of a sudden I sneezed, waking Nikki up, and ruining all my perceived fun.
He smiled and pulled me up so I was lying on top of him. "You came," he said. "It was getting late and I thought maybe you changed your mind," Nikki said running his fingers through my hair, tucking some of it behind my ear.
"No, I was just waiting till it got dark," I said. I had my arms across his chest and my chin resting on my arms. My eyes were closed enjoying his touch. For a hard rocking, chain wearing guy, his touch was surprisingly soft and tender. He motioned me to move a little farther up so my elbows were above his shoulders and his arms went around me. Kissing lightly, turned into french kissing and Nikki's hands making their way under my shirt to unhook my bra.
Nikki paused in his kissing and asked, " 'Drea are you sure? I love you and I want to make love to you, but I don't want to do anything you are not ready for."
I was so happy inside that he said he loved me. No matter what happened in the future, it made this worth while. I sat up, straddling Nikki, looking into his dark eyes and said softly, "Nik, I love you too." I slowly took off my shirt and removed my bra that he had undone. I felt vulnerable for a sec, naked from the waist up. I was so glad when he gave me the 'I am going to worship you' look and not the 'I am a dog...yummy yummy' look.
Nik sat up and ran his hands along my bare waist and up my back, his head at my breasts. I cradled his head in my arms and ran my fingers through his hair. He took one of my nipples in his mouth. His mouth was warm, his tongue raspy. All these feeling bombarded me. I knew the rudiments of love making, but school and friends cannot prepare you for all the heart wrenching, gut twisting feelings. I grabbed handfuls of his hair, my head thrown back, moaning, arching my back. Nikki had to hold on tight to keep from breaking contact. He moved his way to my other breast, feasting on it, before having me lie on my back with him lying next to me.
While he rained kisses all over me his free hand moved lightly and slowly down my belly to my pants, undoing them and running his fingers under the elastic of my panties touching the curls down there, before moving further down, cupping me....fingering me. I felt hot, sweaty. Swollen. With his tongue he made a wet trail down my belly and then blew on it giving me goosebumps.
I giggled and said, "Nikki! You gave me goosebumps."
Grinning wickedly he said, "I like THESE goosebumps the best," and sucked on my tits again. Nikki moved down to where he could slide off my pants and when I was fully nude, he said, "Andrea, you are so beautiful."
All I could do was smile, glad I didn't gross him out or something. "Nikki, you seem to be a bit over dressed," I observed.
Nikki got up, stood next to the bed, and said, "Come and get it Baby."
I thought, OK, if he wanted to play, I could play, too. So really slowly and as sensuously as possible, I climbed off the bed and walked around him very slowly, giving a swing to my hips. I pretended to look him up and down, tapping my chin in speculation. His smile started to fade, his eyebrows raised, and he placed his hands on his hips. I figured I needed to keep this short.
"HHhmmm," I said, staring at his erection, barely contained in his pants, "You're kinda scrawny. And you have all that scraggy hair....." Then I looked him in the eye and said, "Ya know, I think I changed my mind."
That did it! He jumped at me, slightly crouched, grabbed me, and flung me down on the bed on my back. He started tickling me (and I was seriously ticklish ).
"You think I'm scrawny, huh?" ( I'm screaming )
"You think I have scraggly hair?" ( I'm squirming )
"Say ' Nikki, you're the handsomest man I've ever seen." ( Tears running down my face, hyperventilating )
"Say it," He said.
"AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK. OK." panting, "You're the handsomest man I've ever seen." Nikki blessedly stopped tickling me, allowing me to catch my breath.
In caveman style he said, '"Yes, my woman bows to my superiority." I smiled, plotting my revenge. He stood up, undressed completely and said, "Andrea ( as I layed there finally catching my breath and staring at his erection, somewhat scared of what was coming) YOU are the most beautiful woman I"VE ever seen"
I smiled, my heart fluttering at his words. I watched him slip on a condom and crawl up between my legs and positioned himself, entering me slowly and carefully. He had me wrap my legs around him as he laid more fully on top of me, allowing him to move deeper inside me. He moved in and out a little at a time. He looked at me, kissed me and said 'hang on' and with one last thrust, he broke all the way through.
"Babe, are you ok?" Nikki asked, holding still for a moment kissing my neck and shoulders. Bracing himself a bit to the side, he ran a hand down my hip to my knee and back.
"I'm Ok, Nik. You can keep going," I said, placing my hands on his face pulling him down for a kiss, to reassure him.
Nikki started moving his hips, his shaft moving in and out, slowly at first. The feeling was incredible. He was big and hard and I could feel all of it. "Nikki, you are so big. I can feel everything," I moaned softly.
"Babe, you are so hot and tight. I don't think I can keep up this slow pace much longer," he whispered in my ear.
I moved my hips a bit and said, "I'm ok, you can set what ever pace you need. I'll follow your lead." Though that wasn't hard since instinct took over and my raging hormones. With that, Nikki moved faster.
"Oh God, Nikki," I moaned loudly in pleasure, "Faster!" And with each thrust into me emphasized my words..."OH....GOD....FUCK....ME"
Nikki, by now, was pounding me hard and I was on the verge of cumming.
"Baby, I cumming!" He grunted between clenched teeth and with a few different movements of his hips put me over the edge.
I gripped my legs around his waist, tensing, arching my back, head thrown back and yelled, "AAAAHHHHHH !!!! NNNIIIKKKIIII !!!!!"
Nik collapsed next to me breathing hard. I, too, trying hard to catch my breath. All of a sudden I whispered, "Nikki, oh gosh, I hope we didn't wake your parents. I didn’t even think to be quiet. I would be so embarrassed if they walked in or something."
Nikki was holding me close making me feel cherished and said, "It's cool. My parents had to go to my Grandma's, so they won't be back till Tuesday."
Relieved, I said, "I need to use the little girls room."
"It's down the hall and to the left."
I slipped on my shirt and went to use the bathroom. A few minutes later I made my way back to Nikki's room. I saw he was on his stomach....snoring. I smiled. Just like a guy to pass out afterwards. I put on my clothes, covered Nikki with a blanket and went out the back door. I decided to sleep in the garage instead of trying to sneak into the house. I could just say I couldn't sleep at Adri's cause I had some things in my head and wanted to play my bass to relax and I fell asleep on the couch that was in the garage.

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