Chapter 20

Andrea was bushed. K had come and picked her up and brought her home. They had done so much in the last couple of months. Made a record, did promotions, and now working on packing for a road tour. I was scared, happy, tired, and already missing my family. But the person I missed most was Nikki. I had since gotten on the pill, making it easier for us when we made love. I hopped the fence and knocked on Nikki's window. No answer. I knew their band was busy, also close to fame, so I went into the garage to wait, knowing where Nik hid a key. I found his bass, turning on an amp, and playing softly, while sitting on the couch. I don't know how long I was there, when Nikki showed up, standing in the doorway. The tender look in his eye belied his hard, black, metal facade. I smiled and got up, put his bass back in its stand and turned off the amp. He held out his arms and I slipped into his embrace, enjoying the feel of his arms around me.
Squeezing hard I said, "I missed you."
"I missed you too," He said. "All this is so crazy. You're leaving soon and......"
I looked up when he didn't finish. "What?"
Even though he had a huge smile on his face, the look in his eyes was sad. " 'Drea, we are also going on tour. We just found out today."
Putting Nikki at arms length, I exclaimed, 'Nikki! That's awesome! It's what you guys always wanted! Why do you look so sad?"
"Cause I am going to miss you. We are doing a US tour and then over to Europe. We are going to be gone a long time."
"I am sure we can work something out," I said, hopefully.
"Make love with me," he said, heading over to the couch, undoing his pants along the way. He freed himself from his pants as he sat down, slowly pumping himself, watching me as I slowly walked towards him, taking off one piece of clothing after the other. I just climbed on his lap and slowly lowering myself on his shaft. Quietly, we made love, no words spoken.
"Bye Mom. Dad," Andrea said, hugging our parents. It was kinda chilly for 4am here in LA. "K, I'm gonna miss you. I'm sorry I am going to miss your surfing contest," Andrea said, arms around each other.
" 'Drea. I love you. Now go be famous," I said.
We all stood there, parents and family members, watching and waving as the busses drove off. On the way home with my parents, I let a few tears fall. Andrea was the best sister ever. When I got home I went back to bed. With all the practice I had been doing I was tired. The competition was tomorrow, so I was going to rest today.
A ringing phone woke me up. I looked at the clock. 12 noon. Man, I must have been tired.
"Karen, honey, Bret's on the phone," Mom said poking her head in.
"Thanks Mom," I said getting up to go to the phone....."Hello," I sad sleepily.
"Baby, it's Bret,"
"You sound like I woke you up. I'm sorry if I did."
"It's ok. We were up early to see Andrea and the Band off. I went back to bed when I got home. I was tired I guess from all the surfing. I needed to get up anyway."
"The reason I called was to see if you were up to going out tonight. I have some free time."
"I'd love to. I miss you."
"I miss you too," he replied, "I'll come pick you up about 6."
"I'll be ready," I said.
"Alright. I'll talk to you later. Bye."
Bret showed up on time. He found a small hotel in Santa Monica and had reserved it for the night. We ate at a local restaurant, then went back to the hotel. Once inside the door Bret picked me up and carried me to the bed. I laid on my back and Bret laid down next to me.
"K, I want to make love to you all night," nuzzling my neck, caressing my breasts.
"Baby (sucking on one nipple ) I had this planned for awhile. (Fingering me) I wanted something special before I left," Bret murmured.
"Bret you are so amazing," I moaned, arching my back, his fingers working his magic on me. Not wanting to be left out, I pushed him on his back, taking him in my mouth. I moved up and down, at the same time fondling his balls. His hands moved to lightly hold my head in place, playing with my hair. I could tell he was close as his hips started to move, his breathing sped up and his toes were curling. Not wanting him to cum too early, I stopped shining his helmet and shifted positions so we were back to kissing and fondling.
He whispered in my ear, "Now it's your turn," and kissed his way down my belly caressing my legs as he opened me and put his hot mouth on my clit. I about exploded. "BBRREETTT!!!!" I cried out. That just made him suck all the harder. A few seconds later my whole body went tense as I shuddered with an orgasm. As I lay there panting Bret donned a condom and used my juices to lubricate himself before sinking all the way in.
Bret fucked me hard. The two of us must have been feeling this need to make as much of our time as possible, trying to memorize each other, feel each other, already missing each other. The harder he pushed, the harder I pushed back. By the time we came we were almost off the bed. Laying next to Bret, my body all tucked along side his, his arm around me, I started crying. The experience was so beautiful, it was the only way to express my feeling.
"Oh God, K. I am sorry. I hurt you didn't I?" Bret said, hugging me tight, very concerned.
I pushed back a little to catch my breath and said, "No Babe. What you did was amazing. I want to do it again. it gets better every time we make love. And, no, you didn't hurt me. I am crying cause it was so beautiful. I love you so much and my heart is overflowing with emotions. I am going to miss you." Bret hugged me in response.
We cat napped for a bit, and after a second bout of lovemaking, I noticed it was like 2 am. "Bret?" I said.
"Hhmmm," He murmured, all relaxed, eyes shut.
"I have to go."
"Gggrrr," he growled in mock protest, burying his face in my breasts.
"The contest is at noon but I need to get home, change, and drive out there, so I can get a place to park and some practice runs in."
"Ok, Babe. I'll take you home." We got dressed and Bret drove me home. Parked out front I asked, "Are you going to be able to come and watch?"
"Please don't be mad, but probably not. We leave tomorrow and there is so much to do. That's why I had planned tonight."
"It's ok. I didn't think you could but thought I would ask anyway."
"Will you call me later?" I asked.
"I will. I was hoping you could see us off."
"Ok. I would love to be able to say goodbye one last time."
We kissed one last time and I went into my house and Bret left.

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