Chapter 18

A lot happened over the next few months...
Crystal, Anne, Sheila and I had been in one of Poison's new videos. It was so much fun. We had to pretend we were at one of their concerts, which wasn't hard to do, as that was the concept for the video. And they kept having to tape it over and over. By the end I was exhausted, but happy. The girls had great fun also. We got VIP treatment due to knowing Bret and Bobby. CC and Rikki were totally enthralled with Anne and Sheila.
The Guys were all made up. I had never seen Bret or Bobby that way. It was kinda cool, but kinda funny, though from what I understood that was the thing. Bret was so good looking anyway. It just emphasized his good looks. When all was said and done, they let us girls keep the outfits they put us in. Bret told me he had a surprise and took me out. As far as I knew the remaining band members took Sheila, Crystal, and Anne out for a night on the town.
Bret ended up taking me to a hotel. He rented a suite many stories up, overlooking LA. The view was spectacular.
"Bret, the view from up here is incredible," I said, turning to look at Bret, smiling.
He came up and hugged me and said, "I am glad you like it."
After kissing him, I asked, "But why all the fancy stuff? Are we celebrating anything special?"
"I am just happy. The band is doing well. We have a record out and we are going on tour soon." And after a brief pause, with more petting and kissing, "Besides, I love you and it is our 2 month anniversary."
"You remembered?" I said with surprise, as most guys weren't into remembering those things.
"Yyyeesss. My mamma didn't raise no fool," he said with a small amount of sarcasm, a smile on his face.
As we kissed, Bret tried to run his hand through my hair, but his hand got stuck in the hairspray. The make up people gave me 'big hair' like helmet hair. It was gross. I rarely did my hair except for weddings or something. I pulled back and told Bret, "I need a shower. I have got to get this crap out of my hair. You can't even touch it."
"That's fine Sweetie. I am going to order room service. It should be here by the time you get out," He said.
I kissed him and went to the bathroom. My God! The bathroom was almost a whole hotel room in itself. It had a jet tub, a hot tub, and the shower doubled as a sauna. I decided to just take a quick shower, with hopes of us using the other emenities later. I had to wash my hair two times and I scrubbed all the make up off my face. As I washed, I thought about what might happen tonight. If IT did, I would go ahead and do it. I wanted Bret to be my first. I never had to be seductive before, and having no knowledge except what one gets from TV, I just put on one of the hotel robes hoping Bret would find 'naked under the robe' sexy. Bret probably didn't need much encouragement. I got the feeling he was a gentleman and didn't push the issue of having sex on the first date (back on the beach). I came out of the bathroom and when I saw the look on Bret's face, I knew I did the right thing. You could tell he was itching to take my robe off now!
Bret hugged me and said, "MMmmm you smell good....clean," as he licked the skin on my neck and the base of my throat, "God you taste good." I had a feeling it was hard for him to stop, but he stepped back and led me to a table where he had food and a couple of glasses of champagne set out. As we ate we chatted. We hadn't seen each other for almost a week....
"So, when is your surfing contest? Have you been practicing a lot?" He asked.
"I have. It is on August 12," I replied.
"'s cutting it close. We leave to go on tour the next day."
Bret I am so happy for you. You now that."
"I know, babe, and I appreciate that." He reached out to take my hand, "I am so glad I met you," looking at me with those violet eyes.
After Bret had finished eating, he said, "I am going to take a shower. I'll be back in a few."
"Ok. I am just going to finish here." After I was done, I meandered into the bedroom with my half full glass, sipping as I looked around. I stopped in front of the huge window over looking the LA skyline. I loved the city lights at night.
I heard the bathroom door open and I turned to see Bret come out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around his waist. I knew, just by us being together, that he had a great bod, but nothing prepared me for what I saw. He was magnificent. My mouth went dry ( as he walked towards me), my heart started pounding (getting closer), I swallowed.hard. I actually stepped back, bumping into the wall behind me. I mean, I see guys at the beach all the time with no shirts on, but they were nothing compared to Bret, who was now in front of me. I was excited and scared at the same time. The hair on his hard, chiseled chest outlined the underneath of his pecs and thinned on the way down, some of it tracing the individual sections of his abs. The look in his eyes melted me all the way to my toes. I was so mesmerized that I almost dropped my glass, but Bret caught it just in time, before I spilled.
"Here, let me take that," he said with a smile, taking my glass and setting it on the windowsill. He was standing in front of me, so close that I could feel his body heat, smell how clean he was. I wanted to touch him. I placed my hands on his chest, looking up at him, a small tentative smile on my face, my eyes asking, "Is it ok?" He just gave me this beautific tender smile, his eyes almost purple with passion. I moved my fingers, somewhat unsure of myself, following the lines of crisp, curly hair, as it led downward. My hands were shaking so badly, I was kinda embarrassed, thinking it only emphasized my inexperience. Bret took pity on me and took my hands in his, bringing them to his lips sucking on a few of my fingertips, making my pussy tingle. He started to walk backwards towards the bed, speaking oh so softly, "K, honey, relax. It will be ok. I love you."
He said, "Close your eyes," as he held my hands, palms against his chest, and slowly moved them down along his hard muscled body. Thinking I was going to encounter the towel, it was miraculously gone. He turned my hands slightly placing them on his cock and balls. With one hand I moved his balls feeling their weight and size. It was kinda cool. My other hand moved up and down his cock, feeling how warm and velvety soft it was, yet hard as steel. It was easily the length of both my least. His hands rested on both my shoulders as he moaned, "That feels so good baby," his hips jerking slightly.
"Baby, we'd better stop that for now," he said as he moved my hands to my sides and reached for the belt on my robe. I could feel the pressure of his hands against my belly, making my stomach flinch, and undid the belt. The robe opened slightly, catching on my breasts, so all he could see was the line of skin from my neck to my pussy. His hands cupped my face as he leaned in to kiss me oh so tenderly. Still kissing me, his hands moved along my neck to my collarbone, moving under the robe to slide it off my shoulders to pool at my feet. His hands roamed my body, as mine explored his.
"Oh Bret, that feels so good," I moaned.
"Mmm, baby. you are so beautiful. I love your skin, all golden colored," he said. He then picked me up and carried me to the bed, laid me down, and lay down next to me. With one hand he palmed a breast and took one of my other nipple in his mouth..."do you like that?" he asked huskily.
"Yyyesss," I hissed out as he sucked hard on my other nipple.
He ran a hand from the back of my leg, along my butt, up my back and back to my chest. I arched, purring, "Brettt, that feels so ggggooooddd."
"If you think that feels good, you'll like this," as he slowly moved his hand down my belly to my pussy and fingered me, whispering in my ear, "Oh K, you are ssooo hot and ssooo wet," while his hips moved slowly, his cock rubbing the outside of my thigh.
"Bret what are you doing to me?" I murmured as I writhed on the bed from the sensations he was invoking.
"Oh Baby," he said, "I want to make love to you forever." He moved over me, spreading my legs wide and positioning himself at my opening, slowly sliding the head of his cock in. As he moved in and out slowly, he carefully laid down on top of me, bracing his weight on his elbows, one arm tucked under my shoulder, the other free to roam my body. He ran a hand over the top of my head coming to rest on my cheek, looking deep into my eyes, "Baby, you are so silky hot and tight...gawd you feel.....oh fuck" he pulled almost all the way out, whispered, "Hold on, I have to do this."
"It's ok Bret, I understand," I said, bracing myself for what came next, and with a couple of thrusts he broke through. He held still a second, when he heard me whimper in pain.
"Hon, I'm sorry if I hurt you," he said softly in my ear.
"It was just for a second. Please don't stop," I pleaded.
"Oh K," he said with love, overwhelmed that she trusted him this much.
We got into a rhythm that had me moaning and Bret breathing hard. I could feel Bret's hot mouth on my neck, then my lips as we kissed, his tongue dancing with mine. I was starting to feel....more....something more....."Bret," I panted, moving my hips harder. "Bret," I moaned louder. He thrust, I pushed back, my legs wrapped around his waist.
"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" I cried out as I came, my body a mass of nerve endings.
Bret grunted a few more times, tensed, teeth gritted and then quickly pulled out, spilling his seed on the bed and the inside of my thigh, hips jerking briefly. Bret kinda collapsed on top of me, breathing hard. I petted his head, "Bret? How come you did that?"
Moving to lay next to me, he panted, "I forgot a condom. I pulled out cause I didn't want to get you pregnant. I just hope I pulled out in time."

I just hugged him in response, appreciating his forethought. I didn't even think about it. As we snuggled, the two of us fell asleep.

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