Chapter 23

The girls were in Seattle. They had decided that they wanted Sheila as their stylist, so they talked the record company into hiring her and to fly her out to meet them on tour.
Andrea was all ready to go out on stage so she was sitting down going over their itinerary and Motley's, comparing them, to see when they might be in the same city. Sadly it didn't look like they would meet up for a couple of weeks. She sighed. Oh well. She shook off her melancholy and followed the girls out on stage.
Sheila stood on the sidelines, watching the girls play. She was pleased with herself. The girls looked good and the crowd liked them. The way their popularity was growing they would probably headline their own tour by their next album. Sheila didn't realize someone was behind her till she felt hands on her shoulders. Turning, she saw it was Alec John Such. They had had a couple dates since they met.
"Hi, Alec," She said brightly, giving Alec a hug. "What brings you here? Are all the guys here?"
"Yes we are," he replied, "but I came to see you."
"I'm glad you came Alec. The girls will be happy to see everyone," Sheila said.
"I wanted to see if you wanted to go to dinner," Alec said.
"I'd love to," Sheila said, as Alec escorted her to a waiting car.
Meanwhile Richie, Dave and Tico waited back stage for the rest of the girls to finish. The girls left the stage and went backstage.
"That was awesome!" Holly said. "The crowd was great."
"Yes it was," Adri replied smiling, "and there were a lot of cute guys in the audiance."
Pam and Andrea followed listening to them talk. They recieved a pleasant suprise when they found Richie, Tico, and Dave in their dressing room.
"Wow. Guys. We didn't expect you here," Andrea said.
"But we're glad you are here," Pam said walking over to Tico.
"To what do we owe this pleasure," Adri asked, having eyes only for Richie.
David replied taking Holly's hand and having her sit next to him, "We had some time off and wanted to see if you girls would like to go out for a night on the town."
They looked at each other excitedly then looked at Andrea as she wasn't paired up with anyone. "Andrea you can come too," Tico said.
"No, that's ok, you guys go ahead. I am tired and I am going to go back to the hotel and make some phone calls."
"Are you sure? asked Pam.
"Ya. You guys go ahead. Have fun," she replied.
"Ok," Pam said, feeling bad that they had dates and Andrea's Nikki wasn't here. The girls cleaned up and changed. Andrea went to her hotel room.
Since Bon Jovi was so famous, it limited where they could go in public, so Alec and Sheila drove aounrd for awhile, before deciding on a restaurant frequented by the rich and famous. Alec escorted Sheila inside and they were seated at a private table.
"Oh Alec," she saidn, "this reasaurant is beautiful."
"It is. I've been here before and I always have great food and good service."
"It is so romantic."
After a few minutes to decide on what they wanted to eat, Alec also ordered some champange. As they sipped champange, Sheila asked, "So why are you here? Are you guys in between jobs or recording or something?"
"We are promoting the new album right now, but we go on tour later in the year. We were here in Seattle doing talk shows and stuff and we had a couple free days and the four of us a very taken with you girls. Imagine my suprise to find you here. I thought I would have to come to LA to see you."
"I know. I can't believe I am here either, but the girls felt more comfortable with me than some strange stylist, so here I am," she said.
"So I wanted to ask," he started, "when I saw you at the BBQ back in LA, I wasn't mistaken that you were interested in me. Was I?"
Sheila looked into his bedroom eyes and said, "No, you were not mistaken."
Alec smiled, but the arrival of their food halted the conversation for the moment. The restaurant they were at had dinner music and a small dance floor where couples could dance, so Alec asked Sheila to dance. Sheila loved dancing, but slow dancing offered many opportunities to touch Alec. They danced a couple of dances but by that time they both wanted the night to go further, so Alec paid the check and led Sheila back to his car. The guys had reserved rooms at the same hotel as the girls and Alec to her to his room.
"At least you won't have far to go to get back to your room," he said.
"That will be good."
His room was bigger than theirs, probably cause they made more money. Sheila wanted Alec and she was pretty sure he wanted her, so she pretened interest in looking around, slowly making her way to the bedroom. Sheila saw the kingsize and exclaimed, "Oh Alec. Look at the bed. It's so big," as she climbed on top of it bouncing slightly. Alec was mesmerized just watching her tits gently bounce up and down. Sheila saw the look in his eye, glad her ploy was working. She was on her knees at the edge of the bed. She crooked her finger at him to get him to come over to the edge of the bed. As he walked over, his sultry, brooding look was really turning her on. Alec was right next to the bed so Sheila, on her knees, ran her hands along his cheeks, up through his thick dark hair, putting her arms around his neck. As they kissed Alec ran his hands along her waist pulling her shirt out of her waistband so he could touch her skin.
"Oh Alec," she purrred, as he kissed her neck, "that feels so good. Your hands are so strong and warm."
"Sheila, your tits feels so good in my hands," he whispered, as he licked his way down her chest. His hands moved up to unhook her bra in the back. "Unbutton your shirt," he said. Slowly as she looked him in the eye, she unbuttoned her shirt, taking it off along with her bra. She felt victory as Alec's eyes almost popped out of his head. His hands cupped her breasts, rolling her nipples between his fingers making them hard as pebbles.
"OOooo Alec, don't stop," she moaned as she proceeded to help Alec off with his shirt. Alec, though, wanted Sheila naked. He wanted to see all of her, so he gently pushed her down so he could finish undressing her.
"God, Sheila, you're beautiful," he said, worshipfully.
"Baby finish undressing and come on up here," she said which he quickly complied.
It wasn't long before the were fucking wildly, going from the missionary position to ending doggy style. They collapsed on the bed, breathless and worn out.
"Alec," Sheila purred, "that was incredible." She placed little kisses across his chest.
"Right back attcha Babe."
The two of them drifted off to sleep. Sheila woke up later around four am and quietly returned to her own room.
Meanwhile......Pam and Tico went out on their own and Richie and Dave doubled with Holly and Adri..
After dinner Pam and Tico found a strip of beach and went walking in the moonlight. Pam had pulled off her shoes to walk barefooted and took her hair out of its clip so she could feel the wind blow through it. She was in direct contrast to the other girls with her blonde hair, since they were brunette. As they walked, Tico reached over to hold her hand. Pam said, "Tico, I am so glad I met you. I really enjoy spending time with you. And at the risk of embarrassment, I wanna say I like the fact that you are older than some of the guys I've dated. You are more mature and not so volatile."
Smiling, Tico said quietly, "I'm glad you think so, though I don't always do the mature thing."
Pam chuckled in response, smiling, and said, "I don't have a problem with spontinaity."
"Is it ok if we sit down for awhile?" Pam asked.
"Sure," Tico said, sitting down, having Pam sit between his legs, her back to his front to keep her back warm and he could put his arms around her.
This was nice, Pam thought. She liked Tico a lot. Being with him was calming, gentle, soft..comforting, not like with Tommy. Running with Tommy was like running a million miles an hour.. with hands. Pam snuggled up against Tico, laying her head back against his shoulder looking out towards the ocean. Even though Bon Jovi was famous, she didn't know a lot about Tico.
"Tic, what nationality are you?"
"I'm Cuban from New Jersey."
"I'm a California girl. We are from opposite ends of the world."
"But hopefully much closer in the future."
Pam turned her head to look at Tico as she quietly said, "Yes." Their lips met and he kissed her. Slowly at first, making her feel cherished, then he deepened the kiss, his tounge gaining entry, making her feel sexy. Pam broke the kiss, resting her head on his chest, enjoying the feel of his arms around her. She felt like they were already a couple, they didn't need a lot of talking. Pam definately wanted more time with Tico.
With one last lingering kiss, Tico said, "Alright." He stood up then helped Pam up and they walked back to the car. At the hotel Tico walked Pam to her hotel door. He had his arms around her, hers around his neck, she asked, "Can I see you again sometime soon Tic?"
With his arms at her back he could reach the ends of her long blonde hair, so with his fingertips he grabbed a few strands of hair, pulling gently so her head tipped back, raising her eyes to his, he looked into her green eyes with his dark brown ones and said, "I'm counting on it," as he let go of her hair.

"Bye," Pam whispered as she entered her room, closing the door and leaning against it.

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